What is Copado?

Copado is an end to end dev-ops solution built natively on Salesforce. Copado helps customer manage every part of the development lifecycle.
It provides features such as Automated Deployment, Version Control, Schedules Metadata Backup, Automated Regression Testing. Copado can be installed in a Salesforce Org. Copado can be used to implement Agile, improve Quality Check, improve collaboration and Integration with GIT. Copado offers static code analysis suing PMD, SonarQube or CodeScan.
Copado features:
✩ Version Control & Backup: Identify changes in every release, schedule backups of metadata, and quickly restore previous versions.
✩ Connect Any Org: Deploy metadata between any sandbox, production, testing, or scratch org-and
connect git repositories.
✩ Continuous Integration & Automation: Setup C processes and deploy automatically on a schedule or by a webhook trigger.
✩ Team Collaboration & Sharing: Share changes with team members and ensure everyone is aligned with in-app chat and notifications.
Copado dev-ops supports
✩ Salesforce
✩ Vlocity
✩ Mulesoft
✩ Heroku
✩ Veeva
✩ Ncino
✩ Salesforce CPO
✩ Google Cloud
✩ Cloudcraze
✩ Clariti
✩ Conga